Regis Aims for a "Pick 6"!

pick-6-chart Annual Giving on Pace to Surpass
$6 Million for First Time

No, we are not talking about selecting 6 horses, or picking 6 numbers, or scoring 6 points off an interception... we are focused on reaching $6 million in Annual Giving for the first time!

At the end of March, we had achieved nearly 75% of our goal. As we enter the crucial April–June quarter, we are counting on the support of alumni, parents, and friends to help us hit the $6 million jackpot: for Regis, our students, and our future.

Each year, your gifts to the Annual Fund cover nearly half of the school’s operating costs—which this year total $13 million.

And—unlike horses or lottos or fantasy sports—when Regis hits its number, everyone is guaranteed to be a winner.

(Pictured: Annual Giving Totals from 2013 through 2015)

If you have not yet contributed to the 2016 Annual Fund, please consider doing so before the June 30th deadline by visiting or by contacting the Office of Development at (212) 288-1142.

Also, in this year of celebrating Generous Lives, please consider making your gift in honor of—or in memory of—a Generous Life that has inspired you.

Thank you for all you do for Regis!

Posted: 4/20/16
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