Our retreat program emphasizes that students are the living examples of Christ in our community. Our year-specific retreat offerings are designed to assist our students as they seek to find God in all things, reach a greater awareness of God’s action in their lives, and deepen their relationship with Christ through the supportive faith communities they discover at Regis and in the wider Church.
Freshman Retreat
![Students attending a service](/images/subimages/Freshman Retreat.jpg)
The Freshman Retreat aims to invite our newest Regians into the brotherhood and community of the school. Our invitation to our ninth-graders aims to embrace our call to live with “noble hearts” and strive towards the horizon of our Grad at Grad characteristics.
![Students on a retreat](/images/subimages/quest.jpg)
Based upon the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Quest gives sophomores a better understanding of Ignatian Spirituality. Aptly titled to reflect the spiritual journey each of us makes in our lives, students in their Advisement Groups focus on exploring a more authentic understanding of themselves and their developing relationships with God and others.
Live the Fourth
![Students engaging in peer ministry](/images/subimages/Live the Fourth.jpg)
Our junior formational program encourages students to begin their discernment as the future leaders of our community. Students will build off of their finding as sophomores to better live out the gospel in their everyday life.
![Students engaging in peer ministry](/images/subimages/Emmaus.jpg)
Based on the “Road to Emmaus” narrative at the conclusion of Luke’s gospel, seniors walk alongside each other as the risen Jesus walked with his disciples. Emmaus affords our graduating seniors valuable time to reflect on their years at Regis and imagine how God will continue to shape their path moving forward.
Father & Son Retreat
![Students engaging in peer ministry](/images/subimages/Father & Son Retreat.jpg)
The Father & Son Retreat is designed for upperclassmen and their fathers who would like to bolster their relationships through reflection and prayer. Students and their fathers attend the retreat together, and our hope is to further develop this vital bond while sharing new methods of communication.
Rise Retreat
![Students engaging in peer ministry](/images/subimages/Rise Retreat.jpeg)
On the Rise Retreat, students in the Rise mentoring program join with peers from other schools to develop leadership skills, share their experiences, and have open conversations about identity, culture, and social justice.
Ignatian Silent Retreat
![Students engaging in peer ministry](/images/subimages/Ignatian Silent Retreat.jpg)
Students are invited to encounter God on a silent retreat grounded in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Guided by Ignatian forms of prayer and meetings with faculty guides, participants will reflect on their lives from a Christ-centered perspective. As they embrace sacred silence, retreatants are encouraged to reflect on God’s abiding presence in their lives.