Prayers Offered in Diverse Languages

At the 2018 Mass of the Holy Spirit, the ten Prayers of the Faithful were offered in ten different languages. Listen and read the prayers below.

Prayers of the Faithful | 2018 Mass of the Holy Spirit

Response: Lord, hear our prayer. For our nation, may we be a light of justice for all peoples. Lord, hear us.
—Gregorio Cambiasso '19 (Spanish)

For peace in the world, may nations seek ways of mutual advancement. Lord hear us.
—Hikaru Jitsukawa '19 (Japanese)

For those affected by the recent fires and floods, may they be given the aid they need. Lord, hear us.
—Avery Trinidad '19 (Tagalog)

For the sick, may they receive healing and strength. Lord, hear us.
—Bartholomew Kaminski '20 (Polish)

For the elderly, may they receive the assistance to live with dignity. Lord, hear us.
—Francis Wang '20 (Chinese)

For the earth, may we be good stewards of all the gifts of creation. Lord, hear us.
—Julian Castaybert '21 (French)

For the Regis students, may this year be one of growth in wisdom and knowledge. Lord, hear us.
—Chan Lee '20 (Korean)

For the Regis faculty and staff, may they the best of teachers both in word and in action. Lord, hear us.
—Obinna Nwako '20 (Ebo)

For ourselves, may we make the most of the opportunities this year will provide. Lord, hear us.
—Thomas Gilmore '10 (Latin)

For our Church, may this open wound of abuse challenges us to be ever more firm and decisive in the pursuit of truth and justice, especially for the victims and their families Lord, hear us.
—Ms. Caroline Christie (Afrikaans)

Posted: 9/7/18
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