Dr. John Tricamo Receives Edward Cardinal Egan Humanitarian Award

Pictured: Dr. John Tricamo spoke to attendees at the Child of Peace Awards Dinner after receiving the Edward Cardinal Egan Humanitarian Award from Catholic Guardian Services.

At the 32nd Annual Child of Peace Awards Dinner this past October, Catholic Guardian Services honored Dr. John Tricamo for his long service to that organization. Dr. Tricamo, one of the longest-serving teachers in Regis history and a stalwart of the English Department, received the Edward Cardinal Egan Humanitarian Award, named for the former Archbishop of New York “whose efforts... in areas like education and Catholic charities strengthened the services [CGS] offers.”

Dr. Tricamo joined the board of Catholic Guardian Services in 1978 and has served for almost four decades. Throughout his service, executive director Craig Longley said that Dr. Tricamo has provided “a steady hand at the helm” as the diverse array of human services provided by CGS has shifted and expanded.

Regis students and alumni attended the event in a variety of capacities. Currently, one alumnus and one alumni parent sit on the CGS Board of Directors, and several seats on the Associates Board are filled by Regians. A few current students also volunteered their help with the event. Most of them had taken part in the rigorous summer internship program that places Regis students in the key offices of CGS administration.

Mike LaValle ’97 offered a personal testimony to Dr. Tricamo’s impact as a mentor and leader.

“For the students in my high school class, he was one of the most calming, stable forces in what many consider to be a whirlwind experience,” said LaValle.

“I didn’t have the easiest time at Regis... [but Dr. Tricamo] had a habit of stopping by as he walked out to ask how I was doing. I’d usually say I was struggling. He’d chuckle and say keep at it, you’ll be fine, and walk out. And you know, that was enough to get me through the day.”

Posted: 4/4/18
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