Regis Giving Tuesday 2017

Regis Giving Tuesday is here! Throughout the day, our students, faculty, and staff will be participating in a variety of fun activities to encourage your support. For more information, visit

8:00 a.m.    Regians just concluded an impressive Thanksgiving food drive effort, donating over 21,000 much-needed provisions to local food banks and pantries. Mrs. Henninger’s 2D-1 Advisement led the way with the best group effort. Let their effort motivate your support this #GivingTuesday: #RegisInspires to give back.

9:00 a.m.    Mr. Cullen and Mr. DiMichele are ready to go head-to-head in competition again! This year, they will compete against each other in a game of Jeopardy, but only if we reach 500 #GivingTuesday donors! Help us reach our goal: donate at #RegisInspires to make a difference.

10:00 a.m.    Give beloved history teacher Fr. Arthur Bender, SJ ’67 a permanent home on your bookshelf with a limited edition bobblehead figurine! The top 10 #GivingTuesday gifts will be guaranteed winners, along with additional bobbles raffled throughout the day. Gifts over $300 will receive an extra entry: #RegisInspires to support Jesuit education.

11:00 a.m.    Regis students are getting involved in our 2017 #GivingTuesday campaign by accepting a challenge from their parents. For every current parent donor, a student will face a faculty member reciting hilariously corny jokes, and will do his best not to laugh. #RegisInspires to be Men for Others.

12:00 p.m.    The vibrancy of faith remains strong at Regis. Daily Mass is offered three days a week, along with first Friday Masses and a number of community-wide Masses. Members of the Jogues Society serve as lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and altar servers. Consider serving Regis with a #GivingTuesday gift: #RegisInspires to serve.

1:00 p.m.    Regians take a break during their lunch period to encourage you to give back to Regis this #GivingTuesday with a gift to support their education: #RegisInspires to share.

2:00 p.m.    Don’t miss your chance to earn this year's commemorative #GivingTuesday coin featuring our Be Inspired theme! All donations of $100 or more qualify for a coin. Any new donor who gives a gift of $20.18 or more will also receive a coin. Get yours now before it's too late: #RegisInspires to be generous.

3:00 p.m.    Regians are thankful for the #GivingTuesday donations directly supporting their education! They are busy writing notes to personally thank those who have already donated to today's campaign. Haven't donated yet? Do so now before you forget: #RegisInspires to be thankful.

4:00 p.m.    Students in the library, getting an early start on their homework, help spread the Regis #GivingTuesday message. #RegisInspires to learn.

5:00 p.m.    Help us keep our momentum! Don't miss your chance to participate in Regis #GivingTuesday. #RegisInspires to excel.

6:00 p.m.    Regis seeks to inspire students to become leaders in the Church, civic community, and their chosen profession. Help lead our #GivingTuesday effort with a donation: #RegisInspires to lead.

8:00 p.m.    Time is running out to support the Regis #GivingTuesday campaign! Every gift counts: #RegisInspires to remain tuition-free.

10:00 p.m.    Dr. Tocchet (Regis Principal) along with Mr. Mariano and the seniors in Advisement 4B pass along sincere thanks to all who have donated so far to the 2017 Regis #GivingTuesday campaign. This is your last chance to be a part of this great community effort: donate now at! #RegisInspires to change lives.

12:00 a.m.    THANK YOU to all who donated to the Regis #GivingTuesday campaign! We will send along a summary of our results as soon as we have them. Regis is grateful for the tremendous support our alumni, families, and friends continue to provide! #RegisInspires

Posted: 11/28/17
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