Giving Tuesday Campaign Sets One-Day Record for Number of Gifts

The generosity of the Regis community was on display Tuesday as alumni, families, faculty, staff, students, and friends participated in Regis's second annual Giving Tuesday campaign, a one-day fundraising event. This year's event was themed on the Saint Ignatius quote, "Love is shown more in deeds than in words."

Observed on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday was created to promote charity nationwide. Begun in 2012 by the 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation, #GivingTuesday has quickly become a day of national focus on charitable giving.

Starting at 6:00 a.m. and continuing every hour until midnight, a series of faculty and student photographs were posted on social media to promote this year's Giving Tuesday theme and to encourage donations. Many of those photographs featured Regis seniors assisting at their Christian Service locations. Students and faculty also spent time penning "thank you" notes to donors throughout the day.

While alumni and families made gifts to Regis throughout the day, students and faculty volunteered to be part of various donor challenges. Students offered to perform a Mannequin Challenge with the number of students equivalent to the number of donations received before 10:00 a.m. Mr Eric DiMichele and Mr. Kevin Cullen challenged each other to a game of H-O-R-S-E, with the loser having to make the number of foul shots equivalent to the number of donations received between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. For every donation received between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., Mr. Kyle Mullins '05, Regis Dean of Students, agreed to shave 5 minutes off future JUG sentences. All donors between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. will be entered into a raffle for a newly designed Regis tie.

A few day-long challenges were also offered, including the reward of earning this year's Giving Tuesday coin keepsake for all donations of $100 or more. The alumni class with the highest participation rate will also be rewarded, as their yearbook group photo will be featured on the Regis website for a day. The results of all challenges will be determined in the coming days, and dates will be set for their fulfillment.

The day-long effort produced 665 gifts to Regis from 641 donors, raising over $186,000. The record-breaking volume of 665 gifts in a 24 hour period is believed to be the most Regis has ever received in a single day.

Posted below is an archived timeline of posts made during the #GivingTuesday effort.



Regis #GivingTuesday is here! Please consider donating to the Annual Fund today and share this poster image in your social media feeds. Tell your friends why you #Give2Regis. The link to our Giving Tuesday page is



You endured Black Friday. You survived Cyber Monday. Now it’s time for Regis #GivingTuesday! All Annual Fund donors today with gifts of $100 or more will receive this year’s Giving Tuesday coin keepsake. #Give2Regis and donate now! Be sure to check our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds throughout the day for special challenges and promotions.



Our student body helps kick-off our 2016 #Give2Regis effort with a challenge! For every Annual Fund donation made before 10:00 a.m., one student or faculty member will be added to a Regis Mannequin Challenge video. If we surpass 50 donations by 10:00 a.m., we guarantee at least 10 spots will be filled by faculty, including one spot reserved for Fr. Lahart! Contribute now and increase the number of participants in the video!



Our #GivingTuesday theme this year is “Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” Our seniors are at their service locations today putting these words of Saint Ignatius Loyola into action. Pictured here are Regians serving St. Benedict's Day Nursery in Harlem. #Give2Regis



Mr. DiMichele has challenged Mr. Cullen to a game of H-O-R-S-E! The loser of the game will have to make as many foul shots as Annual Fund donations made between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. We will record the epic showdown between these two long-serving members of the Regis staff and post the video, so please #Give2Regis before noon and increase the number of foul shots that will be taken!



"Love is shown more in deeds than in words." Our seniors are at their service locations today putting these words of Saint Ignatius Loyola into action. Pictured here are eight seniors at their service location, Search and Care. #Give2Regis



Back by popular demand, it’s time for the JUG Challenge! All JUG sentences for an upcoming afternoon will be shortened by five minutes for every Annual Fund gift received between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. today. Our priests on staff (pictured here) have given their blessing for this challenge. #Give2Regis now and help a student recapture some precious after-school time!  


Love is shown more in deeds than in words. Our seniors are at their service locations today putting these words of Saint Ignatius Loyola into action. Pictured here with the principal of St. Ann's School are eight seniors. #Give2Regis



Students are grateful for the #GivingTuesday support that has been coming in, and have begun penning thank you notes to donors! Join the effort and #Give2Regis



For every 50 donors between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., Regis will raffle off a Regis tie, bow tie, or scarf. Every increment of $20 earns you a ticket in the raffle. #Give2Regis now and enter to win!



Love is shown more in deeds than in words. Our seniors were at their service locations today putting these words of Saint Ignatius Loyola into action. #Give2Regis



Love is shown more in deeds than in words. Our seniors were at their service locations today putting these words of Saint Ignatius Loyola into action. #Give2Regis



"Love is shown more in deeds than in words." Our seniors were at their service locations today putting these words of Saint Ignatius Loyola into action. #Give2Regis



REACH students and Regian volunteers getting into the Giving Tuesday spirit! #Give2Regis



Catalyst, Regis High School's Christian Service club, has already spearheaded some impressive service outings this year. Pictured here are club members showing their #GivingTuesday spirit. #Give2Regis



“Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” Our seniors were at their service locations today putting these words of Saint Ignatius Loyola into action. Only 3 hours remain to #Give2Regis



Only 2 hours remain to #Give2Regis! “Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” Pictured here are four Regis seniors at their service location, Mount Sinai.



Have you waited until the eleventh hour? Now's your last chance to participate in Regis #GivingTuesday! #Give2Regis



Thanks to all who participated in our #Give2Regis #GivingTuesday campaign! We will tally the numbers and report our results as soon as we have them. Thank you for supporting Regis!

Posted: 11/30/16
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