Regis Celebrates the Class of 2013

On Saturday, June 1, 131 young men—donned in the traditional white graduation tuxes—entered the Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola one final time as students of Regis High School to receive their diplomas and celebrate the academic and extracurricular successes of the class of 2013.

While addressing the senior class and their guests, Gary Tocchet, Principal of Regis High School, took a moment to highlight some of the several accomplishments earned by the departing seniors. All members of the class of 2013 are headed to prestigious 4-Year colleges around the country, and several have earned generous and substantial college scholarships, along with acceptances into many special honors programs. Among numerous other academic accolades, this year’s graduating class boasts 25 National Merit Semifinalists, 44 National Merit Commended Students, 2 National Achievement Semifinalists, 7 National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholars, and 2 National Achievement Scholars. Class achievements in extracurriculars were abundant as well. Most notably the Hearn, the speech and debate team at Regis, earned its 24th New York State Forensics Championship and the Varsity Volleyball team won a third straight CHSAA City Championship.

Adam D'Sa '13 was chosen by his fellow graduates as the senior class speaker. D'Sa reminded his peers that they owe much of themselves to their parents, families, teachers, and classmates who have molded them these past four years. D'Sa referenced the Shakespeare line “the world’s mine oyster which I with sword shall open” to motivate his classmates to use their talent, initiative, and persistence to achieve their future successes. He also shared with his classmates advice once given to him by a Regis alum: "Regis is a gift from God, boys. Don't forget that this is a gift from God. Be sure to thank Him for it. And use it." To read a transcript of D'Sa's speech in its entirety, please click here.

Before the conclusion of the graduation ceremony, Mr. John Donodeo P'02, Chair of the Department of Physical Education, was invited to address the graduates and their guests on behalf of the Regis Faculty. Donodeo urged graduates to "Laugh, love, and celebrate. Serve others. Laugh some more. Be the best you can be in all you do so when you cross that finish line, your family and friends will say you fought the good fight!"

Seniors from the advisement group 4J pose with Assistant Principal Kristin Ross moments before processing into the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola.

Posted: 6/3/13
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