Bike Ride is Newest Addition to Longtime Fall Tradition


Above: Messrs. Kennedy '02, Quinn '04, and Kiczek participated in this year's faculty bike ride to Bear Mountain.

The tradition is as old as any living alum can remember: the annual fall outing to Bear Mountain. And in recent years, a new addition to the field trip has developed: a long distance, teacher bike ride to the rugged New York State Park.

The idea began in 2012 when Mr. Joe Quinn '04, Mr. Justin Kiczek, and Mr. James Kennedy '02 first decided to commute to Bear Mountain on two wheels. Since then, the ride has included several other teachers, including Mr. Doug Eickman '05, Mr. Jeff Marcuccio, and Mr. John Hannon '05. It has also included some friends and even a non-teaching alumnus, Jonathan Picarello '02.

biking-02The ride always inspires the awe and interest of faculty and students alike. "You biked all the way here?" they ask, a bit incredulous. The event even inspired an auction item—"ride in Central Park with the teachers"—which also led to the creation of a Regis Velo cycling jersey, designed by former Information Technlogy staff member Joe Borkowski '04.

(Pictured: the route taken this year by the faculty bikers to Bear Mountain, roughly 40 miles long.)

For the trip to Bear Mountain, the participating faculty met at 7:00 a.m. on the Fort Lee side of the George Washington Bridge. From there, they headed up 9W through Piermont, Nyack, and eventually up to the state park. The ride distance is roughly 40 miles and takes between 3 and 4 hours.

This year marked the fourth consecutive year for the bike ride, and the group hopes to expand the ride in future years.

Posted: 10/22/15
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