Mike Izquierdo '96 Tells Regians to Analyze Theatrical Experiences With Their Heart


Above: Mike Izquierdo '96 returned to Regis this past trimester to discuss theatrical experiences with a group of students enrolled in the Theater in New York senior elective.


This past trimester, the senior elective titled "Theater in New York" welcomed Mike Iquierdo '96 back into the classroom to discuss his career in the arts post-Regis. The popular course is taught by Regis President Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. '80, who taught the same course to Izquierdo during Izquierdo's senior year at Regis.

Izquierdo_02Izquierdo discussed with students their reactions and thoughts to the shows they have attended as part of the class. Students detailed the likes, dislikes, and interests formed in connection to those shows, and Izquierdo provided some insider perspectives. The class discussion also focused on "The Liquid Plain", a show featuring Izquierdo as an actor which the students had seen prior to the visit.

"The class had such an impact on me when I was a student as it opened up my eyes to so many forms of theater," said Izquierdo of the senior elective.

"From big Broadway to the very humble but fantastic one-man-show way off-off Broadway: it taught me how to appreciate theater in a new way, and was one of the seeds that made me grow into becoming an actor and filmmaker."

(Pictured: Izquierdo answering a student question.)

The opportunity to interact with current Regis students was important to Izquierdo.

"I love coming back to Regis because Regians have an innate ability to analyze text. But what happens when you ask them to analyze a theatrical experience with their heart? What moved them and why? What happens when you apply that same textual analysis to your heart’s experience of a play? It's fascinating stuff."

Izquierdo found the opportunity to promote the great community of Regians in the arts equally rewarding.

"Some of my greatest friends and professional collaborators, I met at Regis, so I remind them of that every time I go and visit the classroom. They too could be making films with their friend sitting across from them years later!"

Posted: 6/1/15
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