By the Numbers: Regians Serving Others

As we emerge from the cold Winter months and approach a (hopefully) warmer Spring, it is worthwhile to pause and reflect upon the busy service work of Regis students. Below is a snapshot of service highlights so far this academic year:

  • 150 Pounds of food donated to the Yorkville Common Pantry at Thanksgiving. In addition to sponsoring three food drives for YCP, Regis students have visited the pantry to assist with dinner services, prepare and serve food, and aide with administrative tasks.
  • 100 individuals in need were recipients of several boxes of toiletries, bagged meals, shoes, and clothing donated by Regis families for a Fall Midnight Run. 500 pounds of sweet potatoes were donated during the 10th annual Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Bake. In addition, Christmas gifts were wrapped for young men and women scholars at Boys Hope Girls Hope NY.
  • 22 children from low income families adopted at Christmas
  • 400+ Estimated number of volunteered service hours clocked by Regis students during the 2012 holiday season.
  • 250 wristbands were sold to support St. Aloysius school for AIDS orphans in Kibera.
  • $2,000 ...and counting, raised for the Kibera Project during Regis AIDS awareness month. Fundraising efforts are planned and will continue through the Spring.
  • 9 low income families were sponsored this Christmas through the Racetrack Chaplaincy of Elmont, NY. Regis clubs and advisement groups sponsored families by purchasing and wrapping Christmas presents for each member of a family. Families were also presented with gift cards to purchase a Christmas dinner.

Posted: 2/7/13
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