Regis to Turn Back the Clock on April 10th, the 100th Day of the Centennial Year

Regis_1964Besides being a palindrome, April 10th (4.10.2014) is the 100th day of the 100th year of Regis High School. To honor this day, Regis will "turn back the clock".

The concept is simple and fun: we are taking the whole school back to 1964 for a single day. Senior Staircase. Senior Lounge. Academic robes for teachers. Cassocks for priests. Lower Gym Handball. Latin Mass. It's all coming back.

Here's how you can join in the fun:

  1. Please check the Regis Website, Facebook Page, and Twitter Feed throughout the day on April 10th for fun updates and photographs.
  2. Tag us in your own social media reflections using #Regis2014.
  3. Help us reach a goal of 100 online gifts for the 100th day of the 100th year. Gifts will be made through the unique URL which will only be accessible for 48 hours beginning on April 9th. A symbolic online donation of $20.14 will help us reach this goal, and any donor who gives $100 or more will receive a unique Regis Owl lapel pin, only available through this one-time offer!
So stay tuned for Thursday's headlines, when the world enthusiastically awaits the opening of the New York World's Fair, the city will still be buzzing from the recent appearance by The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show, and Regis will be in the midst of celebrating its 50th anniversary!

Posted: 4/8/14
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