Regis Wins State Debate Championship for 33rd Time in 40 Years

At the New York State Forensic League Championship over the weekend, the Hearn Speech and Debate Society won the state debate championship for the 33rd time in the past 40 years. Several members of the Hearn were also awarded prizes for their outstanding individual performances. 

In the category of public forum debate, seniors Danny Bajada ’24 and Kai-Shan Kwek-Rupp ’24 won the varsity division, while juniors Emmet O’Sullivan ’25 and Owen O’Toole ’25 took the top prize in the intermediate division.

In the speech categories, juniors Ryder Kirby ’25 and Jack Rice ’25 won first place in duo interpretation, while Henry Perduto ’25 placed second in varsity extemporaneous speaking. 

Adhy Agarwala ’24 and Mark Quaglia ’24 finished third in varsity public forum, and Joseph Mora ’26 and Antonio Takata ’26 placed fifth in intermediate public forum.

In novice public forum, Henry Feldman ’27 and Remy Picciano ’27 placed fifth, while Alessandro Cupido Carlorosi ’27 and Andrew Moszuti ’27 finished sixth.

Paul Asari ’24 and Jonah Kennedy ’24 finished fourth in duo interpretation, while Asari also took sixth in program oral interpretation. David Solano ’25 placed fourth in program oral interpretation and sixth in dramatic interpretation. Johnny Germak ’26 placed third in junior varsity extemporaneous speaking and Michael Mayta ’25 finished sixth in humorous interpretation.

Posted: 4/16/24
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