Students Lead Prayer Service Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Regis community gathered Thursday for the 20th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Service. Student and faculty members of the Diversity Committee led the school in prayer and reflection, and students gathered in small groups to discuss the example of interfaith leadership set by Dr. King. 

Guided by the theme of this year’s service, “Faith as a Bridge,” student leaders called upon the community to reflect on Dr. King’s commitment to interfaith connection and consider the relevance of his interfaith work to their own celebration of religious difference.

“Our prayer service today reminds us that, building off the work of other pioneering Black Christians, Dr. King believed in and embraced interfaith leadership,” said Benicio Calderon ‘24. "Deeply rooted in his own Baptist tradition, King viewed his faith as a bridge of cooperation rather than a barrier of division.”

After the school-wide prayer service, advisement groups gathered for student-led discussions about the role of interfaith connection in their own lives.

Posted: 1/12/24
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