Regians March for Life at Nation's Capital

On Friday, January 21, a contingent of twenty-four Regians and faculty traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the 49th annual March for Life. Accompanied by students from St. Vincent Ferrer High School and the Convent of the Sacred Heart, the group joined 150,000 others to advocate for the right to life for all human beings.

Prior to departing to the nation's capital, the group celebrated Mass at Regis with History teacher Fr. Arthur C. Bender, SJ '67. Once in D.C, students heard from a variety of speakers, later marching down Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court building. While it was only 25° F, everyone remained warm and cheerful, filled with enthusiasm in their common witness in defense of the most vulnerable.

“Though we are there to protest an injustice, the positive energy of the marchers, some of whom sing and play music along the route, reminds everyone that all life is to be cherished and celebrated,” said Mr. David Bonagura ’99, Chair of the Language Department and Moderator of Amate Vitam, Regis' pro-life club. Ms. Consuelo Tate of the Language Department and Ms. Teresa Moriarty of the English Department also joined the group of Regians on the trip.

Posted: 2/18/22
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