Regis Commemorates Feast of the North American Martyrs

On Wednesday, October 20, the Regis community gathered in the auditorium to celebrate the Feast of the North American Martyrs. Held to honor the eight Jesuit missionaries who became the first martyrs of North America, the Mass invited students, faculty, and staff to remember the religious ideals they embodied and continue living lives of faith, compassion, and service. 

Presiding over Wednesday’s services was Fr. Adam Rosinski, SJ, who serves as Assistant Director of Vocations for the Jesuits’ USA East Province. Fr. Rosinski was joined at the altar by Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO, Fr. Arthur C. Bender, SJ ’67, and Fr. James Ferus, SJ, and several student leaders took part in the service as readers, singers, and Eucharistic ministers. Following the liturgy, Fr. Rosinski hosted an lunchtime conversation with students, answering questions about his own faith journey and how one begins a path towards living a Jesuit life. 

“From the very beginning, the goal of Jesuit education has been to form human beings, good human beings, men and women who can recognize the messiness of our human condition and respond by courageously wading right into it, confident that there in the middle of it all, Jesus waits for them,” remarked Fr. Rosinski during his homily. “This is the lesson of the martyrs we celebrate today.”

A full recording of today's Mass and pictures from the service can be found below.

Posted: 10/21/21
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