Fall Convocation Recognizes Students For Academic Achievements

On Monday, September 13, the school community gathered in the Regis auditorium for this year’s Fall Academic Convocation, which recognized current sophomores, juniors, and seniors for their academic achievements made during the 2020-2021 academic year. In addition to General Excellence awards and individual awards presented to select upperclassmen, Order of the Owl recognition was bestowed upon students who earned final grades of Honors or above in the previous academic year's coursework.

“Today’s Convocation is one of the ways that we publicly recognize outstanding academic performance, a level of achievement that we consider noteworthy even in the context of a pretty homogenous group of academically gifted students,” remarked Assistant Principal for Academics Dr. Ralph Nofi. “As we celebrate your accomplishments today, I think it’s a good time to remember that you are gifted, in the literal sense of the word you are all the recipients of some very valuable gifts.”

Listed below are the awards presented at the Fall 2021 Academic Convocation:

St. Michael’s College Book Award: Brian Mhando

The St. Michael's Book Award is awarded for the first time at Regis High School to a student entering his senior year who has strong academics and demonstrates a sustained and sincere commitment to community service, and also to issues of peace, justice, and concern for others.

Brown University Book Award: Benjamin Kaiserman

Each year, through the auspices of a Regis alumnus, Brown University offers a book award to the Regis student entering senior year who best combines academic excellence with clarity in written and spoken expression.

The Rensselaer Award: Julien Jerkovich

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute awards an annual prize to students beginning senior year in selected high schools who have performed outstandingly in mathematics and science during their high school careers.

The Beckett Award: Matthew Potter

The Regis Class of 1966 established in memory of their late classmate, Dr. Timothy Beckett, an award for the student who in his first three years at Regis most exemplified the ideals of leadership, service to others and excellence during the course of his participation in the many forms of Christian Service undertaken by the school. A monetary award is also given to the recipient of this award.

The Rodden Award: William Liao and Alexander O’Donnell

At the suggestion of the student council, Regis established certificates for service to the school in the field of extracurricular programs, activities, and Christian Service. Several years ago, a benefactor also contributed a monetary award in memory of Margaret T. Rodden for the recipient of this certificate. Many of our most successful programs could not exist and people in our community could not be helped without the labor, organizational ability and devotion of students who work, often unnoticed and unthanked, behind the scenes. 

The Hayes Award: Connor Connely

The Richard P. Hayes Award is given to a student who has distinguished himself in the theater activities of Regis.

The Lagano Award: Dean Minello

The Joseph Lagano, Jr. Award, named for a member of the Class of 1998 whose death in the summer between his sophomore and junior years was a tremendous loss to the Regis community, is presented to a student beginning his junior year who in his first two years at Regis exemplified the values of service to Regis, to those in need, and to the civic community.

General Excellence

Seniors (Class of 2022): Benjamin Kaiserman, Alexander Greene, Preston Ferraiuolo, Julien Jerkovich, Ian Cass, Alexander O’Donnell, Samuel Ngiam, Jaden Oh, Donovan Barcelona, Haddon Barth, David Ordonez, Matthew Potter, Eamonn Slattery

Juniors (Class of 2023): Taylor Kruse, Tobias Platt, Dean Minello, Max Dingli, Avery Espiritu, Sean Healey, Aidan Moran, Luke Donoghue, Aidan Puma, George Cheung, Jason Jang, Andrew Joel, Carlton Roe

Sophomores (Class of 2024): Kai-Shan Kwek-Rupp, Charles Scheuermann, Michael Cameron, Michael Mahoney, Caleb Lee-Kong, Thomas Nolan, Jonah Kennedy, Anthony Verturino, Daniel Bajada, Aiden Kwiatkowski, Christian Scheuermann, Robert Taverni, James Lurz, Brandon Wilk

Order of the Owl

Seniors (Class of 2022): Richard Abiuso, Juan Alvarez, Max Antonini, Adam Auer, Donovan Barcelona, Haddon Barth, Nicholas Bianco, Martin Bueno, Ian Cass, Connor Connolly, Vincent D’Addona, Preston Ferraiuolo, Zachary Garipoli, Alexander Greene, Matthew Hapij, Dean Hurley, Adam Imam, Julien Jerkovich, Luke Jovanovic, Benjamin Kaiserman, Hartley Kilman, Phillip Krauss, Maxwell Kurjakovic, Andrew Kwok, Tyler Liao, Colin Liau, John Majsak, Philip Marbid, Daniel Math, Christopher Mecane, Aidan Metz, Samuel Ngiam, Kyle Nicholson, Allen Nieva, Eric Noriega, Alexander O’Donnell, Jaden Oh, David Ordonez, Aidan Pelea, Jason Piechota, Matthew Potter, Nicholas Realuyo, Matteo Rotatori, Curran Schestag, Joonsub Shin, Eamonn Slattery, Aidan Slovinski, Daniel Spiezio, Ronan Tuffy, Alexander Von Lehe, Ethan Zhang

Juniors (Class of 2023): Brandon Ally, Eamon Bowen, George Cheung, Jun Choi, William Cihra, Andrew Cimmino, Thomas Coyle, Nathaniel Croce, Max Dingli, Luke Donoghue, Julius Dorsey, Austin Durkin, Sebastian Espinal, Avery Espiritu, Jonathan Flanigan, Seamus Flannery, Daniel Gaffey, Justin Gajewski, Alexander Giordano, Aidan Gouley, Patrick Grimes, Jonathan Hartanto, Sean Healey, Paul Ippolito, Jason Jang, Daniel Jarka, Jacob Chase Javellana, Andrew Joel, Antonio Jun, Hugh Kane, Edward Kerwin, Philip Konrad-Parisi, Taylor Kruse, Antonio Lobaccaro, Gabriel Margolies, Matthew McNamara, Dean Minello, Aidan Moran, Peter Mylek, Luke Neumann, Daniel Ngiam, Henry Noonan, Xavier Pazos, Tobias Platt, Aidan Puma, John Rachinsky, Carlton Roe, Leopold Rotter, Matthew Ruggiero, Alex Sabelja, Sergio Santander, Christopher Sewkumar, Shane Stesner, Carmine Tepedino, Alex Zhindon

Sophomores (Class of 2024): Francesco Agnello, Jason Alperin, Dylan Alphenaar, Daniel Bajada, Luca Bianco, David Biviano, Julian Bober, Lucius Camaj, Michael Cameron, Ray Canning, Ryan Carmody, Alexander Cohen, Tasio Cole, Vincent Daly, Sabato Daniele, Theodore Dros, Dominick Facchini, Peter Fitzmaurice, Finnian Hayden, Gebran Kastoun, Jonah Kennedy, Chris Kim, Jake Koehler, Kai-Shan Kwek-Rupp, Aiden Kwiatkowski, Jake LaBella, Caleb Lee-Kong, James Lurz, Michael Mahoney, Quentin McCarthy, Luke McGibbon, Luca Mejia-Fanjul, Xavier Milano, Kieran Moran, Thomas Nolan, Silas Nwaishienyi, Stephen Owen, Nolan Paul, Mark Quaglia, Michael Scalzo, Charles Sheuermann, Christian Scheuermann, Alexander Sepe, Zachary Serban, Joshua Severino, Aidan Short, Michael Sidoti, Robert Taverni, Matthew Ty, Anthony Venturino, Brandon Wilk

Posted: 9/13/21
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