Regis Rep Dazzles Audience with Performance of Julius Caesar

Obi Nwako '20 and Daniel Spiezio '22 dazzle a rapt audience.

In December, the Regis Rep's production of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar enjoyed a successful four-night run in the storied Regis auditorium, including sell-out performances on Friday and Saturday night. The production, which was directed by Mr. David Grunner '05, took a novel approach to the canonical work. Putting to work the skills of costume designer Dr. Allison Tyndall, stage crew moderator Mr. James Langlan, and set designer Ms. Kathleen Harris, the rep brought the play into the 21st century, staging the tragedy as if it occurred in a contemporary boarding school. Additionally, the play was performed "in the round," with audience members on all sides of the performers.

"The play was a huge success," said Regis Rep moderator Ms. Gena Reisig. "We chose Caesar because it's read by every freshman who comes through the school. And it is still fresh and relevant today. The actors did a phenomenal job in bringing this play to life in the 21st century."

Christopher Pocchia '20 delivered a tour de force performance as the titular Ceasar, while Obi Nwako '20, Juan Arturo Trillo '21, and Daniel Spiezio '22 deftly navigated the complex emotional currents and political intrigue as Marcus Brutus, Mark Antony, and Caius Cassius, respectively. Other members of the stellar cast included Blake Sheridan '20, Eric Krieger '21, Connor Connolly '22, Robert Buza '22, Anais Escobar, Molly English, Eamon McShane '21, Graham Johnson '21, Ryan Shanahan '22, Grace Marks, Lauren Mlicko, Arijana Lukosevicius, Aidan McMahon '22, Avery Espiritu '23, Charlotte Ainsworth, and Xavier Rousseau '21. Congratulations to the entire cast and crew!

Photos of the performance can be viewed below.


Posted: 1/3/20
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