Regis Remains Open After Overnight Fire on 5th Floor

A fire broke out at Regis around 1:00 a.m. on Friday, May 17 in the Science Project Room on the 5th floor. The room was badly damaged and will need to be renovated, but thanks to the quick and excellent work of the New York City Fire Department, no other significant harm was caused to the building and no one was injured.

After receiving clearance from the Fire Marshall early that morning, Regis remained open, with only a portion of the 5th floor closed to students. No classes had to be rescheduled. The FDNY said that the fire appeared to be caused by a science equipment malfunction.

Regis will renovate the Science Project Room and have it ready for use by the start of the 2019-20 school year.

Posted: 5/17/19
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