Regians in Technology Hosts: "Unscaled: How Upstarts Are Challenging Giants"

From left to right: Zach Garippa '08, Roger Knight '00, Artie Minson '88

On Tuesday, January 15, the recently revitalized Regians in Technology group co-hosted its first event: "Unscaled: How Upstarts Are Challenging Giants." The event, which kicked off with a cocktail social, will hopefully prove useful for Regians in the field of technology to link up and build a network. In a display of the strength of the Regis community, 112 attendees representing various specialties and fields within technology were present to help relaunch the group.

Following the cocktail hour, the panel conversation began. Panelists included Artie Minson '88 (the President and CFO of WeWork), Roger Knight '00 (Director at Lincoln International), and Zach Garippa '08 (CEO  and Co-Founder of Negotiatus). Using their expertise and experience, the three gentlemen discussed the 'Unscaling' of the economy, a phenomenon whereby smaller companies and start-ups can now 'rent' the scale they need to compete with larger, established companies. After the guided panel discussion, the floor opened up for Q&A.

"As more and more Regians pursue careers in technology, relaunching the Regians in Tech group felt like a good way to let this community get together and share experiences and insights," Conor McKeown '07, one of the organizers of the group, said. "We're planning to hold more events, both formal and informal, and allow Regians to leverage the network to mentor, share ideas, and learn more about new opportunities."

Those interested in joining the group can sign up here.


Posted: 2/5/19
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