Student and Faculty Clash at Annual Tchoukball Game

On Friday, May 4 Regis hosted its 8th annual student-faculty tchoukball game. The ability to select the team of students who face-off against Team Tocchet (the faculty team) is a perennial favorite item to bid on at the Parents Club Live Auction. Ms. Joan McGillyCuddy, mother of Ryan DeStefano '18, earned the winning bid this year to form "Team DeStefano".

This year's student team successfully revenged last year's 2-point loss to the faculty. The seniors overcame a 6-point deficit in the 2nd half and came away with a comeback 76-72 win over Team Tocchet. Congratulations to all the seniors and faculty who participated, and thanks to all who supported this year's effort. Below are some photographs highlighting the action.

Posted: 5/8/18
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