Steve Howe Jr., P’07’12 Talks Economics with Regians

The following article was provided by Chris Scazzero ’18, President of the Regis Economics Society

In February, the Regis Economics Society hosted guest speaker Steve Howe Jr. P’07’12, the U.S. Chairman and Americas Managing Partner of Ernst & Young, one of the top four financial service firms in the world. Howe, named one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People” by Accounting Today, has been widely recognized for his efforts in diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace.

Regis Alumnus and EY Director of Alumni Tom Lardner ’92 was present to introduce Mr. Howe to a Physics Lecture Hall filled with Regians. Throughout the lecture, Mr. Howe gave his perspective on the business world, touching upon a wide range of topics including global competitiveness, employee efficiency, and responding to crises such as the 2008 market crash.

At the conclusion of his talk, Mr. Howe gave students an in-depth look into the recent stock market correction — which he noted was not something to worry about. He also fielded student questions, many of which were focused on his own career path and tips for success.

For Oliver Marcell ’19, Howe’s career advice was an important takeaway.

“Mr. Howe stressed the ability to change and adapt in the business world as one of the most essential characteristics of a successful company,” said Marcell. “And he stressed that while it's helpful to be extremely good at one particular area, to really become a main player in company, you need to have all the basics down.”

The exposure to an insider’s-look at economics at play in the world today, according to Jack Abrams ’19, was invigorating.

“Being able to hear from a man with such expertise in the field of securities," said Abrams, “has really opened our eyes to a variety of career paths that are economics-driven.”

Posted: 3/15/18
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