The Annual Fund Reaches $8.5 Million!

afchartThe 2017 Annual Fund theme—The Experiment Continues—was a reminder to our supporters that Regis is sustained by the gifts made each year, gifts that must grow if the school is to endure. The response was overwhelming:

$8.5 million was raised by the close of the June 30 fund year: an increase of 20% over a record 2016 total, and 70% higher than the total achieved just three years ago.

5,200 donors made gifts to the school, a jump of 8% from 2016. Participation rates from both alumni and parents set records.

1,800 supporters made gifts honoring the 100th graduating class in school history during the June 1-3 Giving Weekend campaign.

$650,000 was raised by the Class of 1967 in honor of its 50th Reunion: the largest sum ever from a reunion class and the largest sum ever generated by a class in any year (see back cover).

$225,000 was raised by the Class of 1956 in honor of its 60th Reunion, held in September of 2016: a total that dwarfs totals achieved by a 60th reunion class in any previous year.

$510,000 was raised as a Senior Parent Gift by families of the Class of 2017. This record amount was made possible by gifts from over 80% of class families.

A full recap of Annual Fund results will appear in the fall edition of the Regis News. As we look ahead to 2018, we thank you for all you do for Regis and for your continued support.


Above: The Class of 1967 raised a record $650,000 in honor of its 50th Reunion, endowing the Arthur C. Bender, SJ ’67 Scholarship. Pictured on June 17 with Father Lahart are Class Gift Committee members Kieran Quinn, Vince Hartnett and Bob DeCresce.

Posted: 8/8/17
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