#GivingTuesday Campaign Raises Over $95,000 for Regis


Language Department faculty members hold "thank you" signs in various languages in appreciation for the generous donors to the Regis #GivingTuesday fundraising campaign.


stu_gov_givtuesOnce again, the spirit of Regis was on full display Tuesday as alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and friends of Regis contributed to Regis #GivingTuesday, a one-day fundraising event.

Observed on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday was created to promote charity nationwide. Begun in 2012 by the 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation, #GivingTuesday has quickly become a day of national focus on charitable giving.

(Pictured: Blaise Haddad '16, Vice President of Student Government, and Vincenzo Guido '16, President of Student Government, hold up signs in support of the Regis #GivingTuesday efforts.)

The Regis community participated in the one-day campaign in a variety of ways. Some donated, some encouraged others to donate, and many displayed their Regis pride on a variety of social media platforms. This included a series of faculty and student photographs posted hourly to promote the effort. Those photographed held clever and inspirational posters, and some of the social media posts included time sensitive promotions or challenges. The hashtag #Give2Regis was also promoted throughout the day.

One of the more popular promotions featured longtime Phys Ed teachers Mr. John Donodeo P’02 and Mr. Kevin Cullen, who agreed to run one lap around the Upper Gym for every donation received between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. While the official number has yet to be tallied, both teachers expect an extensive workout in their near future.

In another popular promotion, over 70% of donors to the one-day campaign contributed $100 or more and in doing so qualified to receive a unique Prayer for Generosity coin keepsake. Those coins are now in production and should arrive for distribution in January.

By the time midnight arrived, close to 500 gifts had been made, raising over $95,000 for Regis. Matching gifts and pledged gifts increase the total raised to over $106,000. The fact that the full Regis community had fun throughout the one-day fundraising effort made the results all the more special.

Fr. Croghan, President of Regis, expressed his heartfelt thanks to all who participated.

"As we approach the Christmas season," said Fr. Croghan, "let us allow this spirit of generosity to fill our hearts and continue to be a presence in our daily lives."

Posted below are a variety of photographs from the #GivingTuesday effort.



Mr. Cullen and Mr. Donodeo helped kick-off our ‪#‎Give2Regis‬ effort with an inspirational quote by the Jesuit-educated Vince Lombardi. Both Phys Ed coaches agreed to run a lap around the Upper Gym for every ‪#‎GivingTuesday‬ gift received between 8am and 10am. Many alumni took advantage of this opportunity to get some payback for running laps around the Central Park Reservoir during their days as students.



Mr. Kiczek's 3B-2 Advisement, seen here posing for a photo in the Regis Quad, recently won the Student Governement food drive challenge, highlighting how men of Regis continue to be men for others.



The Regis priests on staff took a moment to remind the community that supporting Regis helps provide the gift of a Jesuit education to deserving, Catholic boys.



Mr. Eric DiMichele, Director of Admissions, hols a sign reminding the Regis community that Regis is the only Jesuit high school that continues to operate as Jesuit schools were intended to: tuition-free!



While grabbing a quick bite to eat in the cafeteria before afternoon classes began, a group of students helped spread the Regis #GivingTuesday message.



Dr. Tocchet, former U.S. Army Colonel and current Principal of Regis, gave his best Uncle Sam impersonation to challenges alumni to join the Regis #‎GivingTuesday‬ effort.



Students in the library who were getting an early start on their homework during a free period helped spread the Regis #GivingTuesday message.



Dr. Tricamo and Mr. Vode joined our Dean of Students, Mr. Mullins, to announce that all JUG time on an upcoming date will be shortened by five minutes for every gift received between 3pm and 5pm. ‪ An outpouring of support during the required timeframe will now help some students recapture their precious after-school time!


Our student-athletes helped challenge alumni and friends to #Give2Regis before the #GivingTuesday campaign conluded.



Mr. Scacalossi '83, Mr. Hannon '76, and Fr. Bender '67 are just 3 of 21 members of our faculty/staff that are also graduates of Regis. But all faculty and staff at Regis understand the importance of educating Men for Others.



A few more students help Regis spread the #GivingTuesday message.



All donors who gave $100 or more to the Regis #GivingTuesday effort will receive a unique Prayer for Generosity coin (rendering above).

Posted: 12/4/15
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