First Annual Catalyst-Student Government Mid-Tri BBQ a Success



Portions of the following event recap were submitted by Vincenzo Guido '16, Student Government President.

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the officers of both Student Government and Catalyst (Regis High School's Christian Service club), the first Mid-Tri BBQ was immensely successful. Throughout the course of the afternoon, students and faculty filled into the Quad to grab a burger and a hot dog, while socializing with peers and colleagues. The celebratory vibe along with a seemingly endless stream of food proved an effective way to dispel the stress leading up to the end of mid-trimester and offered a unique opportunity for friends to sit back and relax.

The planning for the barbecue itself began in late August during a leadership seminar hosted by the Regis administration to help the newly elected and appointed student officers to develop comprehensive communication, analytical, and leadership skills. In planning the event, Student Government assumed the responsibility of acquiring the necessary food supplies (hamburgers, hot dogs, cookies, etc.), beverages, and cooking fuel. Thankfully, Regis's own Cater to You graciously helped to expedite the process by ordering and accepting the delivery of the necessary materials.

The Regis Parents Club also graciously helped with the acquisition of desserts and beverages. Catalyst, on the other hand, effectively managed setup and cleanup with close supervision from the maintenance staff whose invaluable assistance contributed to the smooth flow and ultimate success of the barbecue.

The real test came the day of the barbecue when faculty and student officers had to come together to cook and serve the food for all our guests. Thanks to the hard work of Mr. Frank Barona, Mr. Justin Kizcek, and Mr. David Grunner on grill duty, over five hundred students and faculty enjoyed a freshly cooked burger and hot dog. In speaking with several students, all were extremely satisfied and asked when the next barbecue would be.

"We're lucky to be a school in the middle of Manhattan with such a beautiful outdoor space—and we really should make as much use of it as possible so long as the weather permits us," said Mr. David Grunner,  moderator of Student Government.

"Events like this are also important because they allow us to come together and celebrate the school and the work that we all do together. There’s more to this place than exams and papers and lectures—and sometimes we need to be reminded of that."

Given the immensely positive reaction and turnout, Student Government and Catalyst will be actively exploring the opportunity of hosting another barbecue in the spring. A selection of photos from the event are provided below.









Posted: 10/23/15
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