Jesuit Alumni Sunday Gathering Set for October 18

jesuit_educated_fr_benderOctober 18 marks Jesuit Alumni Sunday 2015. The annual Sunday gathering joins fellow Jesuit educated graduates to foster their common educational bonds. The occasion allows for alumni of Jesuit schools to celebrate Mass together, followed by a reception which highlights opportunities for continuing spiritual growth and service to the local and global community.

This year's Jesuit Alumni Sunday will take place in four cities: Boston, Buffalo, New York, and Rhode Island. The New York Mass will take place at St. Francis Xavier Parish. Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. '80, former President of Regis High School, will serve as homilist.

For more information, visit the Jesuits USA Northeast Province website. The full schedule of gatherings is also provided below.


Boston: St. Ignatius Parish
28 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill – 5:30 p.m.
Homilist: Fr. Joseph M. O’Keefe, SJ (Director of the Center for Ignatian Spirituality & Professor of Education, Boston College)
Presider: Fr. Robert F. VerEecke, SJ (Pastor)

Buffalo: St. Michael’s Parish
651 Washington St. – 12 p.m.
Homilist: Fr. Michael Tunney, SJ (Director of Mission and Identity & Professor of Fine Arts, Canisius College)
Presider: Fr. Benjamin Fiore, SJ (Pastor)

New York: St. Francis Xavier Parish
46 West 16th St. – 5 p.m.
Homilist: Fr. Philip Judge, SJ (Provincial Assistant for Strategic Planning, USA Northeast Province – Society of Jesus)
Presider: Fr. Joseph Marina, SJ (Pastor)

Rhode Island: St. Charles Borromeo Parish
190 N. Main St., Woonsocket– 9 a.m.
Homilist: Fr. William Campbell, SJ (Vice President for Mission, College of the Holy Cross)
Presider: Fr. Gerald Finnegan, SJ (Pastor)

Posted: 10/5/15
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