A Lesson in Service & Leadership: Jack Aiello '16 Reflects on Boys Nation Experience

  Watch: Jack Aiello '16 reflects on his experience with Boys Nation this summer.


This summer, senior Jack Aiello '16 had the unique opportunity to participate in a week-long retreat with Boys Nation, an annual forum concerning civic training and leadership run by the American Legion.

Aiello was one of two representatives from New York to attend the Washington, D.C. gathering. Along with representatives from 48 other states, Aiello experienced firsthand the structure and function of the federal government.

The week was packed with activities including lectures, forums, visits to federal agencies, national shrines, institutions, memorials and historical sites. On Capitol Hill, Aiello met with various congressional representatives, including Senator Mike Lee (Utah), an alum of the Boys Nation program.

The most memorable meeting, though, took place in the White House East Room, where Aiello was able to meet President Obama.

"The highlight of our field trips was going to the White House and meeting President Obama," said Aiello. "That was a really disorientating experience."

An Eagle Scout, 4 year member of the Hearn, and 4-year member of Catalyst—Regis’s Christian Service club, Aiello credits part of his successes to his experiences at Regis.

"I wouldn’t have gotten to Boys Nation if it wasn’t for Regis. So much of getting there was being able to speak my mind and being able to relate to people," said Aiello.

"I think the spirit of generosity at Regis and the spirit of serving other people makes a difference in the world, and it makes all the difference in our education at Regis and in our development as individuals."



Above: President Obama greets Jack Aiello '16 in the White House East Room.



Above: Jack Aiello '16 was one of two delegates to represent the state of New York at the 2015 Boys Nation forum.



Above: Jack Aiello '16 with Senator Mike Lee (Utah), an alum of the Boys Nation program.

Posted: 10/2/15
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