Mr. Joseph Amatrucola Honored with Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award


Above: Mr. Amatrucola, recipient of the 2015 Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award, instructing a classroom of students.


amatrucola02At the 2015 Mass of the Holy Spirit on September 11, faculty, staff, parents, and students paused to celebrate faculty achievement with the annual presentation of the Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award. Mr. Joseph Amatrucola, Director of Information Technology and chair of the Computer Science Department, was presented with this year's award.

Named in honor of the late Mrs. Patricia Hannon—who not only shared her knowledge and passion for chemistry with countless students over her 23-year career, but also touched just as many hearts in the process—the Ignatian Educator Award recognizes a faculty member whose dedication to his or her students fosters a learning environment that is the model of Ignatian pedagogy.

(Pictured: Rev. Jim Croghan, S.J., President, and Dr. Gary Tocchet, Principal, pose with Mr. Joseph Amatrucola after presenting him with the 2015 Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award.)

Mr. Amatrucola arrived at Regis in the fall of 2001. After graduating from St. Peter's Preparatory School in New Jersey, he earned a bachelor's degree in Finance and Information Systems from Boston College, a master's degree in Computing and Education from Teacher's College Columbia University, and a master's degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from Fordham University. He is also a graduate of the Jesuit School Network's 3-Year Program, The Ignatian Leadership Seminars.

Mr. Amatrucola has proven to be an innovative and pioneering computer science teacher and Director of Technology at Regis. He has led Regis through numerous curricular changes and technology transformations over the years including a revamped computer technology curriculum, the expansion of wireless infrastructure, upgraded computer systems, the digital phone and emergency notification system, managing internal and external website needs, and streamlining software systems for the Development and Finance offices.

Beyond chairing the Computer Science department, he has also taught the popular Financial Accounting senior elective. He has been a faculty council officer, a member of the Regis Accreditation Steering Committee, and yearbook moderator. Currently, he serves as an academic advisor, a member of the Academic Committee, Campus Ministry, and the Educational Technology Committee.

In nominating Mr. Amatrucola, a colleague noted his dedication to the students' faith formation. Over the years, Mr. Amatrucola has led numerous student retreats, was the creator of the senior retreat (which he has led ever since its inception in 2011), is deeply committed to Christian Service, and is the organizational energy behind the famous Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Bake.

Mr. Amatrucola's talents, patience, and honesty have earned the deep respect not only of faculty colleagues but administrators as well. One faculty member noted that, "he has what I consider to be all the qualities of an Ignatian educator: he is the sort of faculty member that Regis needs. He lives by Ignatian ideals and is a true man for others."

"He is the great mix of a spiritual person, a teacher, a mentor, and a cheerful and supportive colleague," said Dr. Gary Tocchet, Principal of Regis.

"He embodies the spirit of Saint Ignatius with good teaching, generosity, and spirituality."

A plaque honoring all winners of the Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award is mounted in the 84th Street Foyer.

Posted: 9/21/15
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