Regis Mourns Dr. Michael D. Stein, Clinical Psychologist and Consultant to Regis

Dr. Michael D. SteinPlease pray for the repose of the soul of Dr. Michael D. Stein, a clinical psychologist and long-time mental health consultant to Regis, who passed away Saturday morning after being ill for several months.

From the time Regis first hired its own clinical psychologist 32 years ago, Dr. Stein—with little public recognition—served as a supervisor and consultant. He specialized in adolescent development, learning and education issues, and neuropsychological assessment. Over the years his advice was invaluable in helping our psychologist, guidance counselors and administrators support students who were experiencing personal or academic difficulties. His input was also sought during the early development of the AMP and REACH programs.

In addition to his work at Regis and a private practice in Manhattan and Westchester, Dr. Stein was for a number of years the Chief Psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital. He trained a generation of clinical psychologists as internship director there and at Elmhurst Hospital, and as a supervisor at The Children’s Village program in Westchester.

While he may not have been widely known within the Regis community, Dr. Stein had a deep respect for the Jesuits and the work they started here. He admired the dedication of the faculty, had great affection for our students, and was an unwavering supporter of the mission of the school. Please keep Dr. Stein and his family in your prayers.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Posted: 9/17/15
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