Students Participate in Face to Faith Video Conference

On April 24, a classroom of Regis seniors participated in a Face to Faith video conference filmed by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. The special video conference, organized by the Foundation, allowed Regians to video chat with students from Islamic Educational College in Amman, Jordan. Among other topics, students from the two schools discussed their communities, faith, and the importance of interfaith/intercultural dialogue.

Ms. Mary Katherine Sheena, a member of the Regis Theology Department faculty, is now in her fourth year offering a senior elective at Regis based on the Face to Faith program. Her course explores the question: "What does it mean to be a person of faith in an increasingly globalized world?" Through readings, online lectures, and documentaries, students are exposed to conversations about topics like globalization, cosmopolitanism and the politics of identity. "My students are engaged by a course like this because they are given new ways to examine the world and—in turn—themselves," said Ms. Sheena.

Face to Faith is an educational program that contributes to a variety of subjects, including the Humanities, Religious and Cultural Studies, and Social Sciences. A main focus of the program is to have students from different belief and cultural traditions connect worldwide by participating in video conference discussions with other schools. Students explore global issues from varying perspectives, gaining key skills required to resolve conflict and break down religious and cultural stereotypes. "A program like this is a wonderful tool that helps me as an Ignatian educator encourage my students to become individuals of competence, conscience, and compassion," added Ms. Sheena.

The Face to Faith program has been a major focus Tony Blair’s work since his departure as Prime Minster of the United Kingdom. The purpose of the filming was to highlight efforts by the Foundation to develop the Face to Faith program. Highlights from the video conference, along with student interviews, will be incorporated into a film that will raise awareness about the work the foundation does throughout the world.

Pictured: The Face to Faith film crew prepares to interview a few Regis students about their experience video conferencing earlier that day.

Posted: 5/6/13
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