An Update from the Presidential Search Committee

Below please find a letter being shared with alumni, family, and friends of Regis High School.
Regis High School
Board of Trustees
January 7, 2015
  Dear Members of the Regis High School Community:
The one(s) responsible for the final decision cannot predetermine the outcome. The process must be open and free. Furthermore, those who contribute to a valid decision must be free to say what is on their minds without fear of recrimination or deleterious consequence. The participants in the discerning community must be committed to doing all they can to make sure that all positive and negative dimensions of a decision are carefully considered. At the same time, these people must dedicate themselves in freedom to the outcome of the process.
— Rev. Adolfo Nicolas, S.J., superior general of the Society of Jesus
  Happy New Year! I hope that you were able to enjoy a peaceful and joyous Christmas holiday with your family and friends.

As you are aware, last May, Fr. Phil Judge announced that he would be resigning as President of Regis High School effective June 2015. Since Fr. Judge's announcement, a lot has happened: we formed a Presidential Search Committee; the committee hired Wickenden Associates, a well-respected executive search firm to assist us in our efforts; we solicited your feedback regarding the most important needs and opportunities facing our Alma Mater; and we initiated a national search for our next President.

With his words above, Fr. Nicolas offered all of us some very relevant advice about the manner in which important decisions at Jesuit institutions should be made—as a community that is both committed to a set of shared values and open to different perspectives. From the outset, we have sought to run an open and collaborative process. The Search Committee is incredibly grateful for your valuable insights. In response to our survey, over 650 members of our Regis community—parents, faculty, administration, alumni and students—thoughtfully expressed their views and opinions about Regis's needs and priorities. Wickenden tells us that this number of responses shattered the previous record for high school survey submissions—how very Regian!

Not surprisingly, our search has generated interest and applications from a diverse pool of candidates from across the country (and even one from abroad). After careful evaluation of all submissions, face-to-face interviews with numerous applicants, and candid discussion at the committee level of the merits of each potential candidate, the Search Committee is pleased to announce that we have reached the Finalist phase of our process.

The Search Committee has identified three excellent Finalist candidates (two lay, one Jesuit) for President of Regis High School. They will be visiting Regis between January 15 and January 29, during which time they will meet with faculty, staff, alumni, parents, students and Board members. Afterwards, the Search Committee will solicit feedback from all those involved in meeting our Finalists.

As 2015 begins, I cannot help but feel that Regis is truly blessed. After one hundred years dedicated to academic excellence and forming men for others, Regis has a wonderful opportunity to extend her legacy well into the future. Thank you again for your many prayers and offers of support and assistance.
Philip G. Judge, S.J. '80
Peter Labbat '83
Chair, Regis Board of Trustees

Posted: 1/7/15
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