Historic Regis Owl Returns to Quadrangle During The Centennial BBQ

owl_quadA mix of students, alumni, and families arrived at Regis High School on the evening of August 20th for The Centennial BBQ. Pristine August weather provided all in attendance the perfect opportunity to relax in the Regis Quadrangle and enjoy the company of their extended Regis family.

The event drew a capacity crowd, something that has become a bit routine for Centennial events. In fact, of the ten local Centennial events that have been open for registration during this year of celebration, the Centennial BBQ was the seventh to sell out.

(Pictured: The original Regis Owl statue, which was first perched in the Quadrangle in 1914, made an appearance at the Centennial BBQ)

The event was hosted by the Office of Development, whose staff greeted guests, grilled food, and served trays of hamburgers, hot dogs, and sliced watermelon. While enjoying food and refreshments, guests were invited to watch the Yankees game on the brand-new, state-of-the-art Auditorium video projector and sound system. They also had the opportunity to take a first-look at the newly restored 85th Street Foyer. Both upgrades were made possible by the funds raised at the 2014 Parents’ Club Auction Challenge this past March.

The biggest attraction at the event, however, was the appearance of the historic Regis Owl statue.

The Regis Owl was first perched in the Quadrangle on September 22, 1914. As noted in a diary entry on that date by James M. Kilroy, S.J., the Prefect of Studies and Discipline, the statue "is a relic of what was here before Regis was erected. On the present site of the school there formally stood an old Flemish style building (used as a garage) surmounted by the Owl. When the building was razed the Owl was preserved and now looks down on the quadrangle."

As detailed in Fr. Andreassi's Teach Me To Be Generous: The First Century of Regis High School in New York City, the owl statue disappeared from its long-term home in the Regis Quadrangle in the late 1970's, seemingly the victim of a teenage prank. Dr. Tricamo, the assistant headmaster at the time, eventually tracked down the owl and, upon retrieving it, delivered the statue to the Jesuit residence on 83rd street. When the Regis Archives were created in 2007, the owl finally returned to 84th street. The Centennial BBQ is believed to be the first time the statue has appeared in the Regis Quadrangle since that fateful day when it went missing.

Students, alumni, and families took turns posing for a photo with the owl. Guests received a color photo print along with a commemorative Centennial photo frame as a keepsake. A small sampling of photographs from the event are provided below.



Above: A mix of students, parents, and Regis staff pose for a photo at the Regis Centennial BBQ.



Above: Hamburgers and hot dogs were fired up on the grill in the Regis Quadrangle.



Above: A group of incoming freshmen gather on steps in the Quadrangle at the Regis Centennial BBQ.



Above: Students, Alumni, and their families pose for photos in the Quadrangle with the original Regis Owl.

Posted: 8/25/14
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