An Afternoon of Friendly Competition at the 2014 Kibera 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

For the second year in a row, Regis High School hosted a Kibera 3-on-3 basketball tournament to raise money to benefit St. Aloysius Gonzaga High School in Kibera. The following story was written and submitted by Pat Rogers '16. Photographs from the event were provided by Luke Passannante '14.

Last Friday, February 28, Regis’s upper gym was packed with spectators. However, the crowd was not waiting in excitement to watch one of their interscholastic basketball teams, but to watch a charity basketball tournament. Established in 2013, the Kibera 3v3 Basketball Tournament has become one of the most anticipated events at Regis. In just one year, the tournament has grown from twenty-four teams (seventy-two players) to thirty teams (ninety players) including 3 faculty teams.

This year, Regis was pleasantly surprised by the return of former AMP Mentor Mr. Tony Negrin '07, who played on a team with Mr. Vincent Catapano '96 and Mr. Todd Austin. Two other faculty teams consisted of Mr. Joe Carroll, AMP Mentor Mr. Tom McKenna '08, Mr. Eickman '05, Mr. Brian Daley, Mr. Tom Hein '99, and Mr. Josh Travatello. Many other students of various talent levels participated, but the team of Michael Mouton '14, Vince Sheehan '14, and Donal Mahoney '14 came out on top by 7 points in the final round. Championship round aside, the most exciting moment for many was when the crowd stormed the court after Mr. Austin made a fade-away jump shot to win one of the games. In general, the whole tournament was filled with friendly competition, lots of encouragement from the spectators, and a great deal of excitement.

There is much more to the Kibera 3v3 than just winning and losing. The tournament was established to benefit St. Aloysius Gonzaga High School in the slum of Kibera located in Nairobi, Kenya. The school serves AIDS orphans and offers the only other tuition free Jesuit education in the world. For this reason, Regis has formed a special bond with St. Al’s. Each year, Regis sponsors four scholarships for students at St. Al's, and events such as the Kibera 3v3 help to pick up the tap.

This year the tournament raised over $500. Last Friday, each of the four courts were dedicated to a St. Al's student. A poster placed on the side of the court enshrined a letter from the student as well as a picture. Through events such as the Kibera 3v3 Regis raises money as well as awareness for St. Al’s and continues to strengthen the bond formed by tuition free Jesuit education.



Above: Students and Faculty get ready to compete in the 2014 Kibera 3-on-3 Tournament.



Above: A packed crowd of students, faculty, and staff cheered on the tournament participants.



Above: Todd Austin, Director of the REACH Program, prepares to make a move to the basket.

Posted: 3/6/14
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