Regis Community Hosts Annual Sweet Potato Bake

Regis students, parents, faculty, and staff members gathered in the cafeteria Wednesday to take part in the annual Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Bake, a tradition that dates back to 2003.

Regis participates each year in the Street Corner Gourmet Thanksgiving Project with other Catholic schools to put together a traditional Thanksgiving meal for those in need. On Thanksgiving morning, the various participating institutions bring their portions of the meal to 125th Street and Morningside Avenue for distribution.

This year, nearly 70 Regis students, parents, faculty, and staff members came together to make more than 200 pounds of sweet potatoes for the meal.

"All of our service projects are important elements of the wholistic education that we strive to instill in our students, so this is a very tangible way for them to put their faith into action. We have had tremendous support for this event over the years and it is a great way for our community to come together and celebrate the holiday" said Mr. Joe Amatrucola, the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Posted: 11/22/23
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