Regis Senior Speaks at Climate Rally

In advance of the recent March to End Fossil Fuels in midtown Manhattan, Regian Daniel Bajada ’24 spoke at a press conference held by the Catholic Climate Covenant's Youth Mobilization program. 

"While these recent wildfires kept us New Yorkers inside for a couple days, climate tragedies in the Global South force people out of their homes, displacing millions and forcing the most vulnerable to suffer," Bajada, a uniformed Scout, said from the steps of St. Paul the Apostle Church on West 59th Street.

Bajada encouraged those gathered to look for ways to make a tangible difference in their communities. "Pope Francis tells us, ‘The environment is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all.' As the youth, this world will soon be ours to live in. We must spearhead the movement to defend our planet."

The march, timed to coincide with the United Nations' Climate Ambition Summit, drew tens of thousands of demonstrators from some 700 organizations, including numerous Catholic groups.

Posted: 9/28/23
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