Senior Daniel Ngiam’s Documentary Explores the Regis Class of 1941

Shortly before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Daniel Ngiam '23 came across a weathered copy of the 1941 Regis yearbook, which he brought home so he could eventually deliver it to a friend whose great-grandfather was a member of that class. When the lockdowns began, he still had the yearbook in his possession, and as he read about the graduating seniors, he began Googling some of their names. By mid-2020, he realized he wanted to know even more about these young men, and driven by his passion for filmmaking, he was inspired to begin a documentary project centered on Regis's 24th graduating class. Through interviews with living relatives and a deep dive into the school's history, Ngiam's Project 1941 video series explores the lives of the members of that class before, during, and after Regis, and how their time at 84th Street would ultimately shape them and their families for generations to come.

“I saw through this project that these graduates had lived through totally different experiences than students today, but Regis has remained the same in so many ways," says Ngiam. “They shared a common humanity and a passion for being Men for Others."

Ngiam's documentary is set to be released in regular installments until his graduation this June. As videos are released, they will be published in the playlist below. Use the icon in the top right to navigate between episodes.

Posted: 4/6/23
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