Regis Parents’ Club Auction Celebrates 30 Years of Connecting the Community

More than 450 parents, friends, alumni, faculty, and staff filled the halls of Regis on Saturday, March 25, for the 2023 Parents' Club Auction. With a theme of “Connected in Community," the evening celebrated 30 years of auctions that have helped support generations of Regians.

Saturday's festivities featured a wide assortment of gift baskets, art, experiences, and Regians for attendees to bid on during the silent auction as they socialized over drinks and hors d'oeuvres in the Upper Gym. The live auction that followed kicked off with the singing of the Alma Mater and the debut of an original song by Tony, Emmy, Grammy, and Pulitzer Prize winner Tom Kitt P'24.

Eugene Flinn P’10 and Mr. Eric DiMichele once again emceed the live auction, encouraging bidders with enthusiasm and humor as they introduced items like World Series tickets, a behind-the-scenes experience at Saturday Night Live, and a cocktail party for 30 on the Regis roof. The night then culminated in the launch of the 2023 Auction Challenge.

Over the past 14 years, the Auction Challenge has raised money to fund needed projects throughout the building. This year, donations to the Auction Challenge will help support the Regis arts program, bringing renovations to the art room that will improve furniture and storage, provide spaces to accommodate independent and collaborative work simultaneously, and allow for student drawings, paintings, and sculptures to be more prominently displayed for the community to see. Though the auction has ended, those interested in contributing to the Auction Challenge can still do so online. Every gift received brings us closer to achieving our goal of raising $180,000, and we thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Donate to the Auction Challenge!

Regis and the Parents' Club are grateful to everyone who attended and contributed to the auction. Thank you for your generous support of the Regis mission!

Architect's rendering of the new Art Room.

Posted: 3/27/23
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