Regis Students, Staff Discuss the Chauvin Verdict

This week, as the country reacts to the guilty verdict in the prosecution of Derek Chauvin, Regis has provided students with opportunities to discuss the case and the broader issues of racism and violence in America. 

After school on Wednesday, the Diversity Club and IDEALS, a student-led leadership committee, invited Regians to reflect on the Chauvin trial as well as the spate of violence and killings our nation has witnessed in recent days. Prior to school on Thursday morning, Dr. Ralph Nofi, Regis’ Clinical Psychologist, opened his Zoom room to all students, faculty, and staff for an additional forum on these important topics. 

“I am proud of but not surprised by the way our community has responded this week: by engaging in thoughtful, meaningful conversations with one another,” Interim President Christian Talbot ’93 said. “Whether it’s the horriffic murder of George Floyd, the complexities of racism in America, or other societal and moral issues, Regis invites its students to think, pray, and learn in an atmosphere of respectful, open dialogue.”

Throughout this academic year, Regis has engaged community members in a series of discussions and reflections on race and inclusion through this year’s John Francis Regis Day theme and as part of the broader Race at Regis initiative. Undertaken in response to current students and alumni who shared their experiences of racism, Race at Regis strives to examine racism through the lens of Ignatian spirituality and Catholic Social Teaching to nurture the caring community named in our mission statement. On Thursday, May 13, the student body, faculty, and staff will devote the full day to an exploration of racism and equality for the school’s annual St. John Francis Regis Day.

Posted: 4/23/21
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