Regis Celebrates Lenten Mass

On Tuesday, March 23, the Regis community gathered virtually in prayer in celebration of the Lenten season. Ahead of the Easter Recess, students, faculty, and staff came together to prepare for the Lord’s Resurrection, seeking to develop a deeper connection with Christ and more faithfully honor his life, sacrifice, and will for creation. 

To allow everyone at Regis to participate safely, the Class of 2023 celebrated in-person at the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola, while the rest of the community viewed a live-stream of the Mass via a Zoom webinar. Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO, served as the main celebrant, and was joined at the altar by Fr. Arthur C. Bender, SJ ’67. Matthew Vizzini ’21 and Connor Flannery’ 21 participated in the Mass as readers, and Camilo Calderon ’23 offered petitions.

“Deep into this present and seemingly continuous Lent, Easter once again is on the horizon,” said Fr. Andreassi during his homily. “May all those moments of grace, and the grace of this Eucharist, give us the strength to keep our eyes and hearts looking upward to the cross, remembering that we are never truly alone no matter how hard the journey is.”

Fr. Andreassi administered the Eucharist to students at the conclusion of the Mass.

Members of the Class of 2023 celebrated the Mass at a safe distance in the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola. 


Posted: 3/23/21
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