Two Alumni Doctors Host Virtual Town Halls for Regis Parents

Two Regis alumni and classmates made a virtual return to the school on Wednesday, April 1 to share their expertise and offer guidance to Regis parents during this difficult time.

Dr. Christopher Bandera ’06, a pediatrician affiliated with NYU Langone Health, and Dr. Joseph Villarin ’06, a third-year Psychiatry resident at New York-Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia Campus)/New York State Psychiatric Institute, joined two Town Halls hosted on Zoom. Dr. Bandera discussed best practices for avoiding contracting COVID-19, and Dr. Villarin shared recommendations for managing anxiety. The two doctors then answered questions from Regis parents. The first hour-long Town Hall was conducted in English, while the second hour-long meeting was held in Spanish.

“I am so grateful to Dr. Villarin and Dr. Bandera for sharing their expertise with us and our families,” said Dr. Ralph Nofi, Regis’ school Psychologist. “They explained the potential consequences of our current situation clearly, and offered helpful advice in a thoughtful and sensitive manner. Listening to them the other evening made me proud that Regis contributed to their education and gave me great confidence that we can all work together to support each other through this crisis.”

The Regis administration and Regis parents are so thankful to Dr. Bandera and Dr. Villarin for their kindness, generosity, and service!

Posted: 4/8/20
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