The Walkathon Returns!

After a nine-year hiatus, the Regis High School/Dominican Academy Walkathon made a successful return on Friday, May 3. The student bodies of the two schools enthusiastically walked the streets of New York together before returning to Regis for a fun-filled afternoon.

Once a staple of the Regis experience, the Walkathon was resurrected after student leaders read about it in past editions of The Regian and learned more from faculty members. Motivated by the opportunity to give back to Regis, Student Government members worked with their counterparts at Dominican as well as Regis staff members to bring what was once an annual fall event to life in the spring.

“I was delighted that the students took the initiative to bring back this long-standing tradition,” said Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, the president of Regis. “They did a wonderful job coordinating with their peers at D.A., and it was a successful day all around. Even the weather cooperated!”  

While Regians enjoyed the walk down Park Avenue, across 60th Street, and north on Fifth Avenue, they also chased down an ambitious goal. The student organizers had challenged their peers to raise $25,000 for the school through the Walkathon.

“As Regians, we have received a wonderful gift of a free education due to many generous donations from people we may never meet,” said Student Government President Duncan Barcelona ’19. “The Walkathon allowed us, as current students, to help ‘pay it forward’ for future Regians and share Regis' mission to those who might not know it.”

In that spirit, Regis students reached out to family members and friends seeking Walkathon sponsorships. The students easily outpaced their goal, bringing in more than $29,000 for the school.

“I am extremely grateful for the student efforts for the fundraising,” Fr. Lahart said. “Together they raised the full cost of a student’s year here at Regis. I am, once again, very proud of our students.”

In all, 584 alumni, parents, and friends of Regis sponsored students in the Walkathon, with all donations benefiting the school’s Annual Fund.

“Every gift to the Annual Fund makes a true difference in helping raise the necessary resources to cover our operating budget each year,” Annual Fund Director Caitlin Devine Masserano said.  “We are so proud of our students for their outreach efforts and grateful especially to our donors, whose support helps us live the mission.”

After the walk, students from both schools returned to Regis for lunch and an afternoon carnival. Activities ranged from ping pong, Mario Kart, and chess to ballroom dancing, jazz club, and a trivia contest. Before dismissal, both student bodies gathered in the Regis quad, where seniors from each school sang their respective alma maters.

The busy day concluded with the annual tchoukball game, pitting a team of Regis students against members of the faculty. The game was sponsored by Ms. Dorothy Heyden P'17, the highest bidder on the item at the Regis Live Auction.

Punctuated by the spirited officiating of Mr. John Donodeo, the contest was neck-and-neck throughout the game, but the seniors ultimately prevailed by a score of 53-51.

“I am immensely proud of the enthusiasm from the student body in both fundraising and organizing the event,” Barcelona said. “We initially doubted the possibility of bringing back the Walkathon this year, but with the determination and motivation of numerous members of the student body, we were able to revive the storied tradition and hopefully, it will become an annual event for years to come.”

Regis High School is grateful for the partnership of Dominican Academy and the support of the New York City Police Department in making the Walkathon a success.

Sr. Margaret Ormond O.P., President of D.A., helps to kick off the Walkathon.

Students and teachers from Regis and Dominican Academy participate in the 2019 Walkathon.

After the Walkathon, students gathered at Regis for a carnival. Activities included coffeehouse performances, board games, trivia, ballroom dancing, ping pong, and more!

After the carnival, students and teachers gathered to watch the annual student-faculty Tchoukball game. 

Posted: 5/8/19
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