Regis Mourns the Passing of John L. Connelly '56 P'90'99

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Regis alumnus and long-serving faculty member, John Connelly. After a brief illness, he passed peacefully surrounded by Susan, his beloved wife of nearly 50 years, and his sons, Jamie ’90 and Michael ’99.

Mr. Connelly graduated from Regis as a member of the class of 1956 and returned to teach the young men of Regis for 52 years until his retirement in 2014. He was the recipient of the 2015 Deo et Patriae Award for his dedication to the Regis High School community. He returned to the classroom in 2017, this time teaching the Catholic faith to the young men and women of Regina Pacis Academy near his home in Norwalk, Connecticut. Mr. Connelly dedicated his life to the service of Almighty God, his family, and the thousands of students whose lives he touched.

We give thanks for John Connelly’s many years of selfless service to Regis, and we mourn this profound loss. Please keep the Connelly family in your thoughts and prayers.

Posted: 4/17/19
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