Celebrating the Gift of Regis: The Parents Club Auction

Regis seniors sing the Alma Mater to kick off the live auction.

On Saturday, March 30th, Regis High School hosted its annual Parents Club Auction. This year’s theme was “Celebrate the Gift of Regis,” and the festivities on Saturday night were marked by joy and generosity.

With over 600 guests in attendance and countless parent and student volunteers helping to orchestrate the night, many contributions made the event a resounding success.

The evening began with a silent auction taking place on the second floor of Regis. The Upper Gym was full of baskets offering valuable items, unique experiences, and more than a few pieces of Regiana and owl-themed articles. The Large Conference room featured “Big Board” items up for silent bidding, including trips to attractive locales or golf courses, exclusive tickets to games and shows, and chances to interact with some of Regis’s most famous alumni. Throughout the evening, food, drink, and good conversation were enjoyed by all.

At 8 p.m., bidding on most silent items closed, while the “Big Board” remained open until later in the evening. Guests then made their way to the auditorium for the main event: the Live Auction. Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, President of Regis, welcomed guests, and a group of seniors sang the Regis alma mater to get the proceedings officially underway. Mr. Eugene Flinn P’10, in his 13th year with the gavel, and Mr. Eric DiMichele, Director of Admissions, took the stage to begin the auction and to highlight the great items available, encouraging the highest bids possible. Some of the items were familiar to returning auction guests, such as “Go to the Head of the Class,” a chance to sit in the front row at graduation, or the “Jesuit Culinary Adventure,” in which the Jesuits on staff at Regis host a fine dinner for the highest bidder. Other items were new this year, such as a dinner hosted by Chef Daniel of Regis’s catering service, Cater to You.

At the conclusion of the Live Auction, the lights went down and a video began to explain the Auction Challenge, Renovating Regis from Top to Bottom. Each year, the Auction Challenge invites supporters to provide funds for an important project at Regis to be completed over the summer. This year, in celebration of the 10th Auction Challenge, Fr. Lahart highlighted two spaces in need of renovation: the Physics Lecture Hall and the Student Locker Room.

The Locker Room is where most students begin each day, and the renovations will make this space more welcoming and comfortable for the entire student body. The Physics Lecture Hall is easily one of the most recognizable spaces at Regis. Improvements will keep the classic character of this large room, but will increase its functionality, accessibility, and effectiveness for learning and events. Over $130,000 has been donated to this cause already. With a goal of $180,000, there is still time to support the Auction Challenge. It is possible to make a gift here until April 30th, when the Challenge will officially close.

Regis is grateful for the many volunteers who helped run this year's event, the numerous alumni, families and friends who donated items to the auction, and to the many guests who attended and supported Regis through generous bidding. Regis is defined by community and generosity, and the Auction is a testament to those values.

Posted: 4/8/19
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