REACH Graduates Spend an Evening Among Archdiocese Leaders

On the evening of September 26, members of the Regis High School and REACH community had the honor of attending the Venerable Pierre Toussaint Scholarship Fund Dinner held at the Marriott Marquis in Manhattan.

Hosted by the Office of Black Ministry (OBM) of the Archdiocese of New York, the evening recognized the accomplishments of past and present Pierre Toussaint Scholars in addition to recipients of the Pierre Toussaint Medallion for their positive leadership and extraordinary efforts in support of life, human rights, social justice, spiritual values and quality education for all.

Among the recipients this year was Msgr. Kevin Sullivan, Executive Director of the Catholic Charities in New York.

Br. Tyrone Davis, C.F.C., J.D., Executive Director of the Office of Black Ministry, has become a proud supporter of REACH and Regis High School in recent years, attending numerous REACH events and often volunteering as a guest lecturer to speak on themes of faith, service, and leadership. Br. Davis generously donated a table at the event to the REACH program. The students in attendance were honored to be among such fine company, including a brief dinner conversation with His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York.

Above Right: Patrick Ndukwe '15 (REACH '11) and other guests greet His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan.


Above: Ms. Jannelle MacIntosh P REACH '16), Omar Richardson (REACH '16), His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Paolo Merisier (REACH '14), and Nathan Thimothe (REACH '14)


Above: Cardinal Dolan stops by the REACH table for a brief chat with REACH graduates and current Regis students Kwadwo Agyekum '14 (REACH '10) and Patrick Ndukwe '15 (REACH '11).


Posted: 11/11/13
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