Academic Achievements Celebrated at Fall Convocation

Above: Students gather in the auditorium for the 2018 Academic Convocation.

In the morning assembly period on September 10, the first day of the 2018-2019 academic year, students gathered to celebrate academic achievements at the fall Academic Convocation. Order of the Owl awards (final grades of Honors or above in the previous academic year's coursework) and General Excellence awards were conferred upon students. Several special awards were also presented to upperclassmen.

Rev. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO, interim principal, stated in his opening remarks that students who have achieved high academic success can serve as an inspiration to students and faculty alike.

“Their achievement can and should spur you on to success in the new challenges that lay before you. You may not meet the same levels as them but that’s no reason not to strive for more, to see if you can run a bit faster and farther, as it were, than you did last year," said Andreassi.

Father Andreassi concluded his remarks by encouraging all students to set goals, to work hard, and to aim high.

“But before you do any of this, any of this stretching or aiming or goal-setting" he remarked, “make sure your foundation is firm: that your feet are always rooted firmly in the ground and that you remain faithful to the morals your parents instilled in you and upon which Regis was founded upon."

List below are all awards presented at the Fall 2018 Academic Convocation:
Holy Cross Book Prize: Andrew Vittoria

Rensselaer Medal: Michael Valverde

George Washington University Medal: Nick Lombardi

Oberlin College Book Award: Sebastian Jamshadi

Brown University Award: Dan Tully

Fairfield University Book Award: Terence Coyne

Swarthmore College Book Award: Raymund Lee

Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award: Kyle Kampta

George Eastman Kodak Young Leaders: George Bednar

Margaret T. Rodden Christian Service Award: Duncan Barcelona

Dr. Timothy Beckett '66 Award: Robert DeSena

Richard P. Hayes Award: Owen Ryan

St. Michael’s College Book Award: Jacob Kaiserman

Joseph Lagano, Lr. Award (Awarded to a rising Junior): Michael Gadinis

General Excellence
Seniors (12 of 127) Duncan Barcelona; Richard DeCurtis; Timothy DeMaro; Robert DeSena; Jacob Kaiserman; Kyle Kampta; Alexander Lee; Shand Stephens; Daniel Tully; Michael Valverde; Andrew Vittoria; Nathaniel Wood

Juniors (13 of 134) Francis Barth; Matias Benitez; John Berkery; Charles Brush; Rafael Foncillas; Cameron Greene; Devin Kruse; Michael Kuharski; Justin Luckner; Michael Mantello; Cole Presten; Rafael Rivera; Timothy Schachner

Sophomores (13 of 139) Thomas Barone; Grayson Brooks; Mark Caleca; Antonio Clemente; Edward Desciak; David Jimenez; Timothy Lake; Jake Lang; Sebastian Orozco; James Pardo; James Pocchia; Marcus Schubert; Lex Szymczyk

Order of the Owl
Seniors Duncan Barcelona; George Bednar; Logan Boyce; Carlo Bueno; Andrew Chin; Jack Daly; Richard DeCurtis; Timothy DeMaro; Robert DeSena; William Eastwick; Colin Hall; Sebastian Jamshahi; Hikaru Jitsukawa; Jacob Kaiserman; Kyle Kampta; Alexander Lee; Raymund Lee; Daniel Lewis; Nicholas Lombardi; Nathan LoPinto; Cole Mader; Oliver Marcell; Michael Mazzariello; Morgan McCordick; James McGibbon; William Murphy; Liam Nicholson; Joseph O'Neill; Aleksandr Petukhov; Allen Quizon; Kevin Ryan; Owen Ryan; Shand Stephens; Miguel Sutedjo; Christopher Tronolone; Daniel Tully; Michael Valverde; Andrew Vittoria; Nathaniel Wood

Juniors Joshua Antony; Francis Barth; Matias Benitez; John Berkery; Ryan Birney; Maximillian Bradley; Timothy Brennan; Charles Brush; Alex Cha; Matthew Chen; John Clyne; Andy Cuzco; Adam DeAngelo; Luke DeMarco; Marc Foley; Rafael Foncillas; Michael Gadinis; Joshua Gilbert; Cameron Greene; Jefferson Guaman; Joseph Guzzo; Luke Hartigan; Matthew Hayes; Christian Khoury; Harrison Kim; Justin King; Devin Kruse; Michael Kuharski; Brian Lee; Chan Lee; Eugene Lee; Gordon Liao; Justin Luckner; Joseph Manfredi; Michael Mantello; Robert Mark; Daniel McArthur; Noel McGrory; Jack McHenry; James Molz; Dylan O'Donoghue; Jack Penney; Justin Piccininni; Cole Presten; Patrick Puma; Rafael Rivera; John Roberti; Shane Ross; Timothy Schachner; Blake Sheridan; Francis Talty; David Vazquez-Ortega; Matthew Virtudes; Fengyuan Wang

Sophomores Maciej Adamczyk; Matthew Baldari; Thomas Barone; Grayson Brooks; Etienne Busnel; Mark Caleca; Dylan Campione; Thomas Cassidy; Thomas Clarke; Antonio Clemente; Edward Desciak; Ignacio Dowling; Luke Ellwood; Maxwell Esterson; Connor Flannery; Christian Garcia-De La Jara; Conor Geelan; Aran Glynn; Marko Gural; Joseph Healy; Blake Jacey; William Jaenicke; Patrick Jennings; David Jimenez; Seth Kampta; Andreas Kirmaier; Piotr Kozlowski; Eric Krieger; Nicholas Kwasnik; Anthony LaBarbara; Timothy Lake; Jake Lang; Jude Lascano; Joseph Ligresti; Christopher May; Andre Monteiro; Kevin Morrissy; John Murphy; Sebastian Orozco; Joseph Pane; Jacob Paras; James Pardo; Salvatore Peragine; James Pocchia; Nicholas Ragde; Alexander Realuyo; Thomas Richardson; Matthew Rodriguez; Simon Rodriguez Cabrera; Drake Roth; William Schimitsch; Marcus Schubert; Christopher Smith; Anthony Sukendro; Lex Szymczyk; Eamon Tracey; Joseph Zuccarello

Posted: 9/10/18
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