Giving Weekend Campaign Surpasses $1 Million Match

The results are in and Regis is happy to announce that the incredible generosity of its alumni, families, and friends propelled the 2018 Giving Weekend campaign to surpass the $1 million match.

Over 1,200 donors joined together to rise to the ambitious challenge set by the Trustees and Board Committee members.

"The students, faculty and staff of Regis are deeply grateful for the immense generosity of our alumni, families, and friends not only this Giving Weekend but throughout our Annual Fund year," said Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ in a message to Giving Weekend participants.

"We are so grateful for your role in helping us reach this goal and maximize this incredible opportunity to boost our Annual Fund."

For the fourth year in a row, Regis is on pace for another record-breaking fundraising year. If you have not yet made a contribution, the 2018 Annual Fund ends on June 30.

Thank you for all that you do for Regis!

Posted: 6/8/18
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