Godspell Alumni Reunite For 2018 Production

Pictured: The 1981 Regis Dramatics Society’s production of Godspell and the Regis Repertory’s 2018 production (2018 Photo: Michael Bonasio)

This January, the Regis Repertory performed Godspell on four straight nights to sold-out crowds. The musical was last performed at Regis in 1981. Inspired by the reappearance of the production at Regis, Michael Allocca ’81, a current faculty member in the Theology department, helped organize a reunion of the former cast. Allocca, who currently serves as Stage Crew moderator, remembers being an active member of the productions during his time at Regis.

“I asked Dave Erbach ’82 how many classmates he thought we could round up for the Friday night show. That snowballed into a great response and turnout, including a few friends and spouses,” said Allocca.

The students in the production were thrilled to know that members of the 1981 cast and crew were attending. In total, 9 of the 10 original cast members attended.

In addition to Erbach, the other members of the original cast in attendance included Tom Knierim ’81, Rob Trotta ’81, Ed Gillespie ’81, Anthony Hauck ’83, Hunter College HS alums Jennifer Gutzebahl (Lennard) and Laurel Whelton (Becker), and Dominican Academy alums Traci Meyer and Sandra Rogers.

Chris Dwyer ’82 — who travelled from Pennsylvania to attend the show — said, “I made getting there a top priority, and doing so made me realize how meaningful that experience and people were and still are to each other.”

A photograph of the former and current cast was taken after the show. It is printed on the back cover of this magazine.

Posted: 4/4/18
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