Announcing The Strategic Plan for Regis


As we celebrate the start of our 104th school year, Regis High School is delighted to announce it is undertaking a strategic planning process. Our efforts, informed by our years of service and tradition, will provide a roadmap and strong vision through the second decade of our second century. This process will allow Regis to develop an actionable plan for ensuring continued growth, innovation, and excellence while maintaining the values, beliefs and traditions that make our school unique.

Eight task teams have been assembled to consider strategic priorities in the following areas: Academic Life and Technology, Admissions and Enrollment, Facilities, Finances, Global Citizenship, REACH Spiritual Life, and Student Life. Each team has 15-20 members, selected from our alumni, alumni parents, current parents, board members, and faculty. These task teams met for the first time earlier this month, and will meet through December as we work to develop this plan.

A steering committee is also in place, comprised of board members and school leaders who sit as chairs and co-chairs of each task team. The steering committee is responsible for assimilating the visions and priorities outlined by each task team into a cohesive plan to be presented to the Board of Trustees in the spring.

To ensure the strategic plan encompasses all that is special about Regis, Regis will collect feedback and ideas from as many diverse voices as possible. Regis has retained CCS Fundraising, a consulting firm with a proven track record working with educational and religious organizations, to assist us in this endeavor. The input from these Town Hall meetings will be shared with the task teams, and will inform their efforts going forward.

Over the coming months, CCS will facilitate a series of Town Hall meetings to collect input on the School's plans for the future. Those meetings will take place as follows:

Current Parents on Thursday, October 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Alumni Parents on Monday, October 23 at 6:30 p.m.
Alumni on Tuesday, October 24 and Thursday, October 26 at 6:30 p.m.

This process will allow the voices of our community to be heard so as to help inform the strategic planning process. For those unable to attend a meeting in-person, Regis will be in touch to ask for input through an electronic survey. Results of this survey will also be shared with the task teams.

We thank the entire Regis community for their support of our mission as we look forward to planning for our future in strategic ways.

Posted: 10/12/17
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