Economics Club Take a Trip to Bloomberg

The May 2014 Issue of The Owl, Regis High School's student newspaper, published a story on a recent student trip to Bloomberg Headquarters. Below is a reprint of that story.

By Fred Kauber ’15

What began as an ordinary school day quickly turned into something extraordinary, as Regis’ Economics Club took a trip to the Bloomberg Building to visit the men and women who contribute to the company’s success. Led by their fearless moderator, Donald Allison, the group took the 5 train down one stop to 59th street on March 6th before arriving at the Bloomberg building.

The best part of the trip, other than getting to leave school a bit early, featured a tour conducted by television anchor Adam Johnson. Since joining Bloomberg in 2009, Johnson has interviewed several prominent figures in the business world, including former AIG CEO Hank Greenberg and current AOL CEO Tim Armstrong. Johnson currently co-hosts Bloomberg’s daily business news program, “Street Smart,” which focuses on the closing hours of trading at the Stock Exchange.  Highlights of the tour included a look at control rooms and a brief visit with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Following the tour, Regis students also got to watch a live recording of “Street Smart,” during which the news broke that the Crimean parliament had voted to secede from the Ukraine and join Russia.

The chance to see all of the things that make Bloomberg special was certainly eye-opening. “We learned a lot from going behind the scenes at the studio and talking to the news anchors,” says Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi ‘15. “It was particularly exciting to meet Mayor Bloomberg as he took his lunch break.” Students also took advantage of Bloomberg’s dining room, in which the company offers complimentary food and drinks for its employees; however, this area serves a much more practical purpose in facilitating the exchange of new ideas, which Johnson explained is a key part of Bloomberg’s success.

This visit is just one example of the great opportunities students at Regis have to develop their interests. Whether it is Economics Club, or Track and Field, Regis students have always been given the chance to pursue their passions. Jack Aiello ‘16 concludes, “The trip to the Bloomberg HQ was not only entertaining, but it also expanded our horizons. It is another example of the experiences you can only get as a student at Regis.” Similarly, recently elected Economics Club President Daniel Baldwin ‘15 remarks, “Economics Club field trips offer students a unique opportunity to see first-hand how jobs involving the study of economics work. I hope that we can have more experiences like this next year.”

Posted: 6/13/14
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