Submit your photo: "Owl, the Places You'll Go!"

OwlIn the spirit of Saint Ignatius, Regis High School inspires its alumni, family, and friends to "go forth and set the world on fire." Whether at home, at work, or traveling the world, those in the Regis family bring the spirit of Regis with them wherever they go.

In this Centennial year, help us showcase the places Regis has touched. Download and print the owl PDF linked to below and showcase it in a photo to be included in a digital collage we are creating titled, “Owl, the Places You’ll Go!” Email your photo to

Photo Ideas: Outside your office with alumni colleagues, in front of a historical landmark, with family and friends, on vacation or at home.


This article originally appeared as an insert in the Winter 2014 issue of the Regis Alumni News Magazine (Volume 79 | Number 2).



Posted: 2/18/14
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