Regis Community Gathers for Record-Breaking Parents' Club Auction

The Regis Parents' Club held its annual auction on Saturday night, with more than 500 people gathering on 84th Street for a night of bidding and camaraderie. With a theme of "Embracing Difference, Celebrating Unity," this year's auction paid tribute to the close-knit Regis community that makes such an evening possible.

The auction's prizes included an array of gift baskets, art, and experiences for attendees to bid on during the silent auction as they mingled throughout the building. The live auction, emceed once again by Eugene Flinn P'10 and Mr. Eric DiMichele, offered fabulous prizes like a trip to Hawaii and tickets to this year's World Series.

The evening also featured a performance of the alma mater by Regis students, as well as an original song by Tony, Emmy, Grammy, and Pulitzer Prize winner Tom Kitt P'24.

The night culminated with the reveal of the Auction Challenge, which each year funds an enhancement that directly benefits students. As we prepare to renovate our lower gym and fitness center this summer, our 2024 Auction Challenge will fund new equipment for our physical education classes and athletics programs.

Thanks to the extraordinary generosity displayed at our auction on Saturday night, our record-breaking 2024 Auction Challenge has raised more than $295,000, ensuring that our students will have the equipment and modern amenities they deserve as they play and train.

To learn more, you can watch the video below, and you can support the 2024 Auction Challenge by clicking here. Thank you for your generous support!

Donate to the 2024 Auction Challenge

Regis and the Parents' Club are grateful to everyone who attended and contributed to this year's auction. Thank you for your generous support of the Regis mission!

Posted: 3/11/24
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